
Horizon Europe Framework Programme (HORIZON)

Call: Relationship between infections and non-communicable diseases

This topic focuses on enhancing the understanding and management of the relationship between infectious diseases (IDs) and non-communicable diseases (NCDs). It aims to deliver results that contribute to reducing disease burden and improving healthcare outcomes. The key objectives include:

  1. Providing new knowledge on the causal links between IDs and NCDs, including host risk factors affecting disease progression.
  2. Developing robust evidence to create or improve diagnostic and prevention tools for NCDs, and to manage co-morbidities following an infectious disease.
  3. Equipping healthcare practitioners with knowledge for preventive measures, early disease identification, and optimal treatment strategies.

The scope involves researching the causative links between infections and NCDs, analyzing factors like genetics, immune responses, and lifestyle. It also emphasizes the impact of infections on NCD exacerbation and vice versa. Studies may include preclinical research, observational studies, and clinical studies, with a special focus on vulnerable populations and the integration of AI tools for advanced data analysis and risk prediction. Projects addressing COVID-19 and post-COVID-19 conditions are encouraged to collaborate with relevant EU-funded initiatives.

Sister projects



POINT develops innovative strategies for tackling the long-term health impact of COVID-19, focusing on the prevention and management of non-communicable diseases arising as complications.



BEATsep aims to define markers of poor recovery of patients after sepsis and septic shock. This will be achieved through the discovery of novel mechanisms and their markers predicting the decline of health-related quality of life after sepsis.



BEHIND-MS aims to understand how Epstein-Barr virus promotes multiple sclerosis development by mapping interactions between the virus, immune system, and brain cells. This will lead to new diagnostic, preventive and therapeutic tools.



CLARITY aims to identify genetic risk factors and mechanisms linked to severe bronchiolitis induced by respiratory syncytial virus in infants, by using AI to analyse data and identify alterations in cellular, molecular and physiological processes.



EBV-MS investigates the link between Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection and the development of multiple sclerosis (MS), to determine why some infected individuals develop MS, and to explore whether targeting EBV could prevent or improve the course of MS.



ENT1DEP aims to generate new knowledge about the association between enterovirus infections (particularly by Coxsackie viruses B – CVBs) and Type 1 Diabetes (T1D), and the host factors regulating the outcomes of infections.



Homi-lung investigates the relationship between cardiovascular disease progression and the immune and microbiome changes after pneumonia, thus enabling early identification of at-risk patients, and developing new treatments.



ID-DarkMatter-NCD aims to unravel the complex interplay of infectious diseases, genetic, and environmental factors in triggering immune related non-communicable diseases by following a multi-disease and multi-omics approach.